Stay Hydrated

Don't Forget To Drink Water

Colder weather is approaching which means, holidays, warm clothes and fuzzy blankets. But one word we tend not to think of during winter is water. Ice, yes. Water, no. 

During the summer months, drinking water is at the top of our to-do lists due to the hot temperatures. But when it gets colder, there’s no comparable stimulus to keep us hydrated. Water is critical for our bodies all year ‘round and winter dehydration is even harder to notice. When you’re not sweating or feeling cool, it may take you longer to notice your body is losing moisture. 

It is also important to think about the type of water you are putting into your body. City tap water can have as much as 4 parts per million units of chlorine in it. That’s more than half the amount we would put in our swimming pools! Even bottled water isn’t necessarily without contamination because they are not regulated. Since 2008, the U.S. FDA regulations have allowed for some contamination of fecal material and E. coli in bottled water. Additionally, there are no requirements for bottled water to be tested for parasites or disinfectants.

The safest way to drink water in today’s world is to filter it yourself. An in-home reverse osmosis system can eliminate all of the concerns. To learn more, visit our website at
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