Benefits of a Humidifier

Do You Have A Humidifier?

There are many benefits to having a humidifier, especially during the cold months when cold air dries out the lungs, nose, and lips. Also, some types of central heating can dry out the air indoors.

Here are a few of the main benefits for having a humidifier:

1. Preventing influenza Authors of one study noted that humidifiers might reduce the risk of catching the flu. After adding the influenza virus to the air with a simulated cough, researchers found that humidity levels above 40 percent rapidly deactivated virus particles, making them much less likely to be infectious.

2. Reducing snoring Increasing the amount of moisture in the air can also reduce snoring. If the air is dry, a person’s airways are less likely to be sufficiently lubricated, which can make snoring worse.

3. Keeping the skin and hair moist Some people notice that their skin, lips, and hair become dry and fragile in the winter.

4. Benefits for the home Moisture from a humidifier can be helpful around the home. Any moisture-loving houseplants may become more vibrant, and wood floors or furniture may last longer. Humidity can also help to prevent wallpaper from cracking and static electricity from building up.

Humid air can also feel warmer than dry air, which could help a person to save money on utility bills in winter months.
JFDenney can provide a whole house central A/C humidifier that will provide this moisture to the entire house. If you are interested in getting a free estimate, give us a call at 913.682.2182. 
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