Fall Checklist

Fall Checklist

September is a great month to finish up any big outdoor projects before shorter days make them too difficult. It is also a good time to start thinking out your to-do lists. Think about how you can boost energy efficiency and prevent damage from winter storms. Check these items off your list and you can rest easy knowing that your home is safe and ready for winter.

*Take a walk around your yard. If you notice any dead branches or decaying limbs on the trees of your property, remove them. 
Seal gaps where critters could enter - with colder weather coming, all of the little critters out there will be looking for warm places to make a home. 
*Make navigating around your home safer by checking that all stairs are in good shape and have sturdy railings, and that the driveway is in good repair to make for easier shoveling.
*Shut off exterior faucets -protect your pipes from freezing temperatures by shutting off water to exterior faucets, draining hoses and storeing them indoors. 
*Check safety devices: -Test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors; replace batteries as needed. -Check the expiration date on your fire extinguisher and replace if needed. -Check your home for radon-as the weather gets cooler and windows stay shut more often, radon is more likely to become trapped in your home.
*Conduct an energy audit. You can find instructions for a do-it-yourself energy audit at Energy.gov.
Wrap water pipes that run along exterior walls with heating tape. It will save energy and prevent them from freezing.
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